- 10/3(木)に、Prof. Simone Pigolotti (OIST)のセミナーを開催します。
- 2024.09.20
Title : Statistical physics of growing systems
Growth is a crucial feature of living systems, that sets them apart from most inanimate physical systems. I will discuss how statistical physics can shed light on the properties of growing living systems. Specifically, I will show how to use statistical physics to study growth of cell colonies and how their growth is coordinated with DNA replication. I will show how similar tool can be used to predict how epidemics spread in complex networks. Finally, I will show examples of how growth generates exotic patterns in spatially extended biological systems.
Date: 3rd Oct. (10/3), 14:00-15:00
Place: Room 16-107 (Building 16, Komaba campus) and Zoom