過去のセミナーpast seminar



Inference of Dynamic Networks in Biological Systems 

Dr. Jae Kyoung Kim 
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Place:東京大学駒場キャンパスI 16号館 107 (map)

 Biological systems are complex dynamic networks. In this talk, I will introduce GOBI (General Model-based Inference), a simple and scalable method for inferring regulatory networks from time-series data. GOBI can infer gene regulatory networks and ecological networks that cannot be obtained with previous causation detection methods(e.g., Granger, CCM, PCM). I will then introduce Density-PINN (Physics-Informed Neural Network), a method for inferring the shape of the time-delay distribution of interactions in a network. The inferred shape of time-delay distribution can be used to identify the number of pathways that induce a signaling response against antibiotics. This solves the long-standing mystery, the major source of cell-to-cell heterogeneity in response to stress.

Collective rotations in 2D and in 3D : experiments and theory

Dr. Daniel Riveline 
Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, IGBMC, France
Place:東京大学駒場キャンパスI 16号館 107 (map)

 Cells, tissues and organs can rotate spontaneously in vivo and in vitro. These motions are remarkable for their robustness and for their potential functions. However, physical mechanisms coordinating these dynamics are poorly understood. I will present two examples of spontaneous rotations with experiments synergized with theory. In a first study, we show that cell doublets rotate in a 3D matrix and we identify mesoscopic structures leading the movement. Our theoretical framework integrates consistently cell polarity, cell motion, and interface deformation. We also report that the Curie principle is verified in its symmetry rules. In a second experiment, we show that rings of epithelial cells can undergo spontaneous rotation below a threshold perimeter. We demonstrate that the tug-of-war between cell polarities together with the ring boundaries determine the onset to coherent motion. The principal features of these dynamics are recapitulated with a Vicsek model. Altogether both examples could set generic rules to quantify and predict generic motion of tissues and organs.


冨樫 祐一 博士

Date:5月23日 , 2019 15:00-
Place:東京大学駒場キャンパス 16号館829 (map)

細胞の活動は酵素などナノスケールの分子機械によって支えられている。細胞自体をマイクロスケールの機械ととらえることもできるだろう。また、合目的的な人工マイクロマシン、さらにはナノマシンも開発されている。 こうした「機械」は一般に、機能のサイクルと連動して構造が変化する。言い換えれば、構造が機械の内部状態に依存する。逆に、例えば構造変化が妨げられると機能も停止するというように、外界が構造を介して内部状態に影響を与えることもあるだろう。そうであれば、複数の機械が近接している時、互いの動作に干渉することも想定される。例えば、極めて混雑した膜面上で、分子機械集団の振舞いはどのようになるだろうか。 このような構造と状態が連動した機械の集団的振舞いについて、いったん個々の機械の特性を離れて、抽象化したモデルを用いて考えてみる。まず、簡単な場合として、内部状態が1つの変数(位相)のみで表され、構造(形状)を状態に依存して大きさの変化する円盤(2次元)や球(3次元)とした場合について、その集団的振舞いをシミュレーション(ブラウン分子動力学)により考察した。極めて単純なモデルであるが、機械の密度に依存した相転移的な振舞いや、1つの機械の動作が先行することをトリガーとした動作の変化などが見られた。機械=酵素のモデルとして化学反応と組み合わせることも容易で、化学的なフィードバックと力学的なフィードバックをあわせたパターン形成なども見られる。機械の大きさによるゆらぎの程度の違いも、振舞いに影響することが示唆された。 今後の課題として、細胞と環境、あるいは細胞同士での力学的な相互作用(例えば、基質の硬さや、細胞同士の「おしくらまんじゅう」)に注目した、細胞集団モデルへの応用の可能性についても議論したい。
[1] Y. Togashi, “Modeling of Nanomachine/Micromachine Crowds: Interplay between the Internal State and Surroundings”, J. Phys. Chem. B 123, 1481-1490 (2019).

Cooperative search games

Dr. Antonio Celani
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Place:東京大学駒場キャンパス16号館107 (map)

 Cooperative search games are collective tasks where all agents share the same goal of reaching a target in the shortest time while limiting energy expenditure and avoiding collisions. Here we show that the equations that characterize the optimal strategy are identical to a long-known phenomenological model of chemotaxis, the directed motion of microorganisms guided by chemical cues. Within this analogy, the substance to which searchers respond acts as the memory over which agents share information about the environment. The actions of writing, erasing, and forgetting are equivalent to production, consumption, and degradation of chemoattractant. The rates at which these biochemical processes take place are tightly related to the parameters that characterize the decision-making problem, such as learning rate, costs for time, control, collisions and their tradeoffs, as well as the attitude of agents toward risk. We establish a dictionary that maps notions from decision-making theory to biophysical observables in chemotaxis, and vice versa. Our results offer a fundamental explanation of why search algorithms that mimic microbial chemotaxis can be very effective and suggest how to optimize their performance.


菊池 誠 教授
大阪大学 サイバーメディアセンター
Date:3月7日 10:30-
Place:東京大学駒場キャンパス 16号館827 (map)



1. B.A. Berg and T. Neuhaus: Phys. Lett. B267 (1991) 249.
2. N. Saito and M. Kikuchi: New J. Phys. 15 (2013) 053037.
3. A. Kitajima and M. Kikuchi: PLoS ONE 10 (2015) e0125062.
4. J. Lee: Phys. Rev. Lett. 71 (1993) 211.
5. F. Wang F and D.P. Landau: Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 2050.

Input-output relations for Molecular Machines at multiple scales: Control Theory and Stochastic Operations Research in Biology?

Prof. Debashish Chowdhury
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Date:10月11日 10:30-
Place:東京大学駒場キャンパス 16号館107 (map)

 The input-output relations of a molecular machine summarize its biological functional characteristics. Therefore, answering many fundamental questions on molecular machines ultimately reduce to understanding their input-output relations. Many chemical reactions, particularly reactions catalyzed by enzymes, follow one of the few “universal” relations between input concentrations and output concentration of the molecular species involved in the reaction. We begin with a graph theoretic analysis of the input-output relation of a single enzyme. Input-output response of a graph can be characterized by the steady-state concentrations of the vertices. This analysis sets the stage for understanding, at the next level of complexity, the input-output relation of a molecular machine, that is a macromolecular complex, and then at an even broader context of a group of interacting machines. I’ll present an overview of our recent results on these input-output relations at multiple scales.

Assembly rules and a theory for invasion and extinction in minimal food webs

Prof. Namiko Mitarai
Niels Bohr Institute
Date:10月3日 10:30-
Place:東京大学駒場キャンパス 16号館107 (map)


 We propose a theory of the evolution of a minimal food web by sequential invasion of new species [1]. Our theory is based on the standard generalized Lotka-Volterra equations, where basal species compete through resource depletion [2]. The considered food webs are “minimal”, as each species only feeds on a single resource, leading to a hierarchical, tree-like food web [1,3]. We prove that at each invasion step there is one uniquely determined outcome: either the invader peacefully coexists with the residents and resources are re-distributed; the invader is eliminated; or one or several of the resident species are removed in a uniquely defined extinction cascade. At the end of either of these processes the resulting food web relaxes to a globally stable (and feasible) steady state. We break down the essence of our theory in the conceptual “invasion extinction model” (IEM), which allows us to analytically compute the persistence time and the extinction size distribution.


[1] Haerter, Jan O., Namiko Mitarai, and Kim Sneppen. “Theory of invasion extinction dynamics in minimal food webs.” Physical Review E 97.2 (2018): 022404.
[2] Haerter, Jan O., Namiko Mitarai, and Kim Sneppen. “Food web assembly rules for generalized Lotka-Volterra equations.” PLoS computational biology 12.2 (2016): e1004727.
[3]Haerter, Jan O., Namiko Mitarai, and Kim Sneppen. “Existence and construction of large stable food webs.” Physical Review E 96.3 (2017): 032406.


松田充弘 博士
理化学研究所 生命機能科学研究センター・研究員
Date:9月21日 16:30-
Place:京大学駒場キャンパス 16号館827(map)


Mechano-chemical subcellular-element model of crawling cells

多羅間充輔 博士
京都大学 福井センターフェロー
Date:9月18日 15:00-
Place:東京大学駒場キャンパス 16号館107 (map)

 Crawling is one basic type of cell locomotion, which is often found with eukaryotic cells such as Dictyostelium and keratocyte cells. Typical mechanism of cell crawling is believed as a cycle of four processes [1]: 1) protrusion of leading edge, 2) adhesion of the leading edge to the substrate underneath, 3) deadhesion of trailing edge from the substrate, and 4) contraction of the trailing edge.


In our previous study [2], we investigated this basic mechanism of cell crawling by introducing a simple model where a cell is described by two elements connected by a viscoelastic bond. The bond contains an actuator that elongates cyclicly, so that the force-free condition is satisfied. The substrate friction switches between stick and slip states periodically. By introducing phase shift between the actuator elongation and the substrate friction switch, we highlighted the importance of the order of the four basic processes for an efficient locomotion.


In reality, cells are three-dimensional object or quasi-two dimensional if on a flat substrate. In order to extend our model to two dimensions, we couple the mechanical subcellular element model and intracellular chemical reactions. For the intracellular chemical reactions, we employ the reaction-diffusion equations introduced by Sawai and his coworkers [3]. Depending on the chemical concentrations, the actuator elongation and substrate friction switch are controlled. In particular, we focus on the impact of the substrate friction on the cell crawling, which may depend on the intracellular mechanical and chemical cues [4].


[1] R. Ananthakrishnan and A. Ehrlicher, Int. J. Biol. Sci. 3, 303 (2007).
[2] M. Tarama and R. Yamamoto, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87, 044803 (2018).
[3] D. Taniguchi, et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110, 5016 (2013).
[4] M. Tarama, K. Mori, and R. Yamamoto, in preparation.

Understanding trained recurrent neural networks

Prof. Omri Barak
Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Network Biology Research Laboratories, Technion, Haifa, Israel
Date:9月14日 10:30-
Place:東京大学駒場キャンパス 16号館829 (map)

 Recurrent neural networks are an important class of models for explaining neural computations. Recently, there has been progress both in training thesenetworks to perform various tasks, and in relating their activity to that recorded in the brain. Despite this progress, there are many fundamental gaps towards a theory of these networks. Neither the conditions for successful learning, nor the dynamics of trained networks are fully understood. I will present the rationale for using such networks for neuroscience research, and a detailed analysis of very simple tasks as an approach to build a theory of general trained recurrent neural networks.


後藤佑介 博士
Date:6月20日 10:30-
Place:東京大学駒場キャンパス 16号館827 (map)

 近年の計測技術の発展により、野生動物に記録計をつけてその行動を記録する”バイオロギング”と呼ばれる研究手法が、動物行動学において積極的に用いられるようになった[1]。 発表者らは毎年夏に岩手県の無人島でキャンプ生活を行い、そこで繁殖するオオミズナギドリという海鳥にGPSをつけて彼らの移動経路を収集、解析している。 その中で発表者は、これまで直接計測が難しかった鳥が受ける海上風と、鳥の体軸方向を、鳥につけたGPSの経路データのみから推定する新しい統計手法の構築に成功した[2]。 本発表ではこの推定手法を活用して得られた、海鳥の風に応じた移動に関する以下の2つの発見について紹介したい。
[1] Hussey, N.E.et al. (2015) Aquatic animal telemetry: a panoramic window into the underwater world.Science 348,1255642.
[2] Goto, Y., Yoda, K., and Sato, K. (2017) Asymmetry hidden in birds’ tracks reveals wind, their heading, and orientation ability over the ocean. Science Advances 3:e1700097.

Physical foundations of biological complexity

Eugene V. Koonin
National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD, USA
Date:May 18, 2018 15:00-
Place:Room 107, No.16 Building, Komaba-I, University of Tokyo (map)

 Biological systems reach hierarchical complexity that has no counterpart outside the realm of biology. Undoubtedly, biological entities obey the fundamental physical laws. Can today’s physics provide an explanatory framework for understanding the evolution of biological complexity? We argue that the physical foundation for understanding origins and evolution of complexity can be gleaned at the interface between the theory of frustrated states resulting in pattern formation in glass-like media and the theory of self-organized criticality (SOC). On the one hand, SOC has been shown to emerge in spin glass systems of high dimensionality. On the other hand, SOC is often viewed as the most appropriate physical description of evolutionary transitions in biology. We unify these two faces of SOC by showing that emergence of complex features in biological evolution typically if not always is triggered by frustration that is caused by competing interactions at different organizational levels. Such competing interactions lead to SOC which represents the optimal conditions for the emergence of complexity. Competing interactions and frustrated states permeate biology at all organizational levels and are tightly linked to the ubiquitous competition for limiting resources. This perspective extends from the comparatively simple phenomena occurring in glasses to large-scale events of biological evolution, such as major evolutionary transitions. Frustration caused by competing interactions in multidimensional systems could be the general driving force behind the emergence of complexity, within and beyond the domain of biology.


藪中 俊介 氏
Date:May 7, 2018 13:30-
Place:Room 107, No.16 Building, Komaba-I, University of Tokyo (map)

 細胞組織は、力学的性質に注目した時、単なるソフトな粘弾性体ではなく、以下の点で特徴的な違いがある。: (a)細胞がエネルギーを 消費しながらアクティブなストレス(収縮力)を発生させる、(b)細胞の運動、(c)細胞極性、 細胞の変形などの異方性、(d)細胞増殖と細胞死。今回は、このような特徴に着目し、細胞組織のダイナミクスを記述する連続体方程式を構築する試みについて紹介し、一次元的な組織成長や、密度波などの簡単な応用例について議論する。
[1] “Cell growth, division, and death in cohesive tissues: A thermodynamic approach”, Shunsuke Yabunaka and Philippe Marcq, Phys. Rev. E 96, 022406 (2017)
[2] “Emergence of epithelial cell density waves”, Shunsuke Yabunaka and Philippe Marcq, Soft Matter, 2017,13, 7046-7052

The Emergence of Weak Criticality in SOC systems

Prof. Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
1-Centre for Complexity Science and Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London

2-Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Date:April 11, 2018 10:30-
Place:Room 107, No.16 Building, Komaba-I, University of Tokyo (map)

 Since Self-Organised Criticality (SOC) was introduced in 1987, both the nature of self-organisation and criticality remains controversial. Recent observations on rain precipitation and brain activity suggest that real systems display a dynamics that is similar to the one observed in SOC systems, making a better understanding of such systems more urgent. Here we focus on the Drossel-Schwable forest-fire model (FFM) of SOC and show that despite the model has been proved to not being critical, it nevertheless exhibits a behaviour that justifies the introduction of a new kind of weak criticality. (in collaboration with Lorenzo Palmieri1)

Emergence of Form in Embryogenesis

Dr. Murat Erkurt
Centre for Complexity Science and Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London

Date:April 11, 2018, 10:30- (this seminar will be held after Prof. Jensen’s talk)
Place:Room 107, No.16 Building, Komaba-I, University of Tokyo (map)

 Development of form in an embryo is the result of a series of symmetry breakings starting from topological and informational singularity of the zygote. Pattern generating reaction-diffusion systems are not capable of form generation, as they are locally isotropic. We introduce Vector-Reaction-Diffusion-Drift system based on three new concepts: source-field coupling, local drift for global symmetry breaking and vector morphogens as pillars of form. An integrated model with topological, physical, chemical and regulatory layers is presented. Simulation of blastula moving into gastrulation shows realistic form generation as an emergent phenomenon of the ensemble of locally interacting identical cells. We further expand our model by introducing Dynamical Cell Differentiation where the regulatory genome is generalized into a finite-state-machine. This allows symmetry breakings to be choreographed into sub-spatial domains resulting in further detailed form generation.

Decoding temporal interpretation of the morphogen Bicoid in the early Drosophila embryo

Dr. Timothy Saunders
Assistant Professor, Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore

Date:April 9, 2018 10:30-
Place:Room 107, No.16 Building, Komaba-I, University of Tokyo (map)

 Morphogen gradients provide essential spatial information during development. Not only the local concentration but also duration of morphogen exposure is critical for correct cell fate decisions. Yet, how and when cells temporally integrate signals from a morphogen remains unclear. Here, we use optogenetic manipulation to switch off Bicoid-dependent transcription in the early Drosophila embryo with high temporal resolution, allowing time-specific and reversible manipulation of morphogen signalling. We find that Bicoid transcriptional activity is dispensable for embryonic viability in the first hour after fertilization, but persistently required throughout the rest of the blastoderm stage. Short interruptions of Bicoid activity alter the most anterior cell fate decisions, while prolonged inactivation expands patterning defects from anterior to posterior. Such anterior susceptibility correlates with high reliance of anterior gap gene expression on Bicoid. Therefore, cell fates exposed to higher Bicoid concentration require input for longer duration, demonstrating a previously unknown aspect of Bicoid decoding. I would also present some of our follow work on this looking at Bicoid and scaling.
